Medical gel brushes for the feet
Grip Powder
Medical elbow support
Medical adhesive tape
Knee suppurt
The tape can be used for the following:
inhibition of hypertonic muscies
correction the fascia
protecting against excessive stress
protecting joints
improving the propriosensory system
suppressing pain
reducing inflammation
reducing lymphatic oedema
reducing haematoma
influencing the range of motion
⚫ stimulating hypotonic muscies
The tape can be used for the following:
inhibition of hypertonic muscies...
The tape can be used for the following:
inhibition of hypertonic muscies...
The tape can be used for the following:
inhibition of hypertonic muscies...
The tape can be used for the following:
inhibition of hypertonic muscies...
The tape can be used for the following:
inhibition of hypertonic muscies...